Legal and Institutional Basis for Protection of Competition

Date: 2003-2006
Location: Ukraine

The Anti-Monopoly Committee (AMC) of Ukraine was established in 1993 and vested with the task to implement the Government antimonopoly policy. EIR was responsible for the promotion and awareness raising activities as well as providing project management and legal support through the provision of a Local Assistant Team Manage
As part of the communication component EIR helped to prepare and implement a communication strategy and work programme for the Public Relations Department of the AMC. This involved developing the organisation identity of the AMC and the preparation of a web site, publications and audio-visual materials. A mass media campaign on television and radio was also implemented. Training was also provided to the staff of the AMC on public relations and a Communication Policy Guidebook was also prepared to this effect.
Legal support services were also provided through the Local Assistant Team Manager where he provided assistance to international experts in developing draft legislation and legal documents.